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開放式木架子有助于填充這個電視墻---Valle de Bravo設計

2023-03-04 1554 0
Weber Arquitectos在墨西哥的Valle de Bravo設計了一座小屋,其特點是客廳里有一面墻的開放式木架子。圍繞著電視的輕型木架子是客廳的焦點,它有一對櫥柜和由金屬棒固定的木表面。

Weber Arquitectos has designed a cabin in Valle de Bravo, Mexico, that features a large wall of open wood shelving in the living room.The light wood shelving, which surrounds the TV and is the focal point of the living room, has a pair of cabinets and wood surfaces that are held in place by metal rods.
